
Brand consult

Whether you are nurturing a new business idea, new product or looking for a new direction for an existing product or service you offer, trust us to help you articulate your business in line with brand requirements to achieve set business goals. On a 60 minute call, we will learn more about your business, product or service and develop an effective brand proposal that gives a clear direction towards achieving identified objectives.

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Upon completion of our brand consult or receipt of a detailed brief from you we would over a 4 week period develop a creative and effective marketing and brand strategy that features; market overview, competitive analysis, brand objectives, target market analysis, creative strategy, brand ethos, communication strategy, media strategy and execution plan.


BRAND management

To create a favorable and sustainable brand, you need to execute and sustain your marketing and communications efforts continuously adjusting creatives, media strategy while collecting data to identify and new leads and opportunity to better engage targets. We provide 6-12months retainer based brand management boutique services to help you activate and manage specific campaigns or manage your brand.